Your children are growing up fast, right before your very eyes. And, although you feel as though you’re capturing each and every cute stage of their development, you’re acutely aware that your phone isn’t the best place to store these cherished moments. Your phone is becoming a final resting place for digital photos and videos, which, even if backed up to The Cloud, end up growing from the hundreds to thousands.
These digital images tend to remain digital, with your busy lifestyle making it difficult for you to review and select the best ones to print. Add to that the hassle of actually finding a company that will print for you. And, to make matters worse, you don't even end up featuring in most of these photos!
What you need to consider is using a photographer to capture these moments for the whole family, in a natural and convenient way. This is where I am able to offer my specialist skills to capture memories that you can display as prints in your home (although high resolution digital files also available). Alternatively, if you’re simply looking for tips on how to take better photos, this blog post will help.
Before I get into how I work, I must first provide a disclaimer: I do not offer white background studio photography. If this is what you’re looking for, I can recommend one or two excellent studio photographers who can help you. However, if you’d prefer more natural looking photography in the comfort of your home, or any other local familiar location, that reflects your family’s lifestyle and the character of your children, then keep reading.
Meeting the Family
I love photography! Not just clicking the shutter, but the the social side of photography - meeting new people, building relationships, helping you to feel confident and look your best in front of the camera. To this end, I always plan well in advance of a photo shoot and ensure that I arrive at least 30 minutes early. This is particularly important where there are little ones, to give them the time to get used to the idea of someone new in their home.

This can also be reassuring for parents, as they can sometimes be anxious, wanting their children to be on their best behaviour and to look their best, while only considering themselves as an after thought. Just to break the ice, I will sit and have a coffee with the parents, while discussing how the session will unfold. Meanwhile, the kids are left to explore and play.
Once, everybody is a little more relaxed the shoot begins.
Depending on the shoot you have chosen, a session can take anything from 90 minutes to three hours. The longer sessions will typically involve two locations, starting at home and then onto a local adventure playground, a park or somewhere else equally meaningful to the family. With longer shoots, a change of clothing is recommended, before moving on to the next location. This is also a good time to re-energise with a few snacks, but nothing that could potentially stain your ‘Sunday Best'.

Within seven days of the shoot, the photos are uploaded to a private viewing gallery in order for you to select your favourites. With a variety of products and packages to choose from, your photos are usually ready two weeks after that...
I offer affordable photography that won’t break the bank, with shoots starting from as little as £250.